It has been 10 months since our last release of AATrade. It has been so long I bet some people thought the development of the game had been abandoned.
The game has gone though a huge metamorphosis with many core code changes. Most of the things in the game like Probes, Dignitaries, Spies and the new Artifacts have been converted to Classes. This allows us to easily create and add more of those items to the game. We have also been creating many new probes that really enhance the game.
One of the other big changes has been the addition of Artifacts. Artifacts are items created by an Ancient Race not affiliated with the Federation or Alliance. All Artifacts are beneficial to all players as this Ancient Race is trying to help mankind advance. You will never find a bad Artifact. Each artifact is broken into 1 to over 30 pieces depending on the value of the artifact to the players. The Artifact pieces each have their own Cloak Tech and may be hard to detect as they are so small. The more valuable the piece the higher the cloak tech. Artifacts can be found on Planets, Ports or floating in space. The Artifacts range from a simple one that will transport a newbie player to the safety of Sol if they get trapped to the Dreadnought Battle Cruiser.
We have also added 10 new commodities to the game and they can make HUGE profits in the game. Some require large ship hulls to transport but have HUGE credit returns. Some planets might get lucky enough to be able to build Ship Hulls and they can get TRILLIONS in profit for each one built.
One of the big changes Game Admins will like is the game will report all end of game statistics when a game ends to our Profile Server. Player will be able to the ranking and all results for any game as they will be stored on the Main Website and accessible by anyone. Players who link their Main Website Profile to the game they are playing will have completed games stored in their profile and they will be linked to the end of game results.
All AATrade 0.40 games that are shown on our Server List will have a new feature. When any one mouse overs the server information a popup will appear listing the current top 20 players on that server.
There are so many new features and changes to the game to accurately list here. The game has really gone though some massive changes and we are very proud to release it to the public. The wait will have been worth it.
We look forward to seeing more AATrade 0.40 servers appearing on the server list.
PS: This is the final release before the long awaited Research & Build. The 0.40 release is FINAL and only major bug fixes, if any, will be released. Look forward to the AATrade 1.00 Beta on our Main Website in about 3 months.
To download the game click on the Downloads link on the Main Website.