Winds of Change, AAtrade is in for some changes in the interim future
Hey folks, there is going to be changes coming very soon to the aatrade world. PJ is going to take a hiatus for a while. He is still around but won't be working on aatrade for a while. I will be taking over. Not that that's all good either, as I have a real job, so can't put a ton of time in, but will work on it as I can.
So what this means is, we will need to start working as a team. I will need volunteers to help track down bugs, make template changes, bug test the beta, even help with the forum, website and the games. If you can code php I will need some help there as well.
To start with I will be resetting the Beta to the latest game code PJ had. I don't know what bugs have been fixed so I will be clearing out all the bug reports and starting fresh so everyone can start fresh and we can start a new bug report.
Hope to see some volunteers!!!